Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Minority Medical Student Award Program

American Society of Hematology (ASH*)
Minority Medical Student Award Program (MMSAP)

Award program provides funding to medical students to allow them to complete a summer research experience and to attend the ASH annual meeting. The MMSAP is an eight to twelve-week summer research experience for minority students in their first or second year of medical school. Program benefits include a $5,000 stipened and two mentors to help guide them through their experience. Additional long and short-term benefits are provided to participants throughout medical school and residency, including complimentary subscriptions to ASH publications and travel allowances for attendance at the ASH annual meeting. There is no fee to apply.

The MMSAP is one component of the Society's Minority Recruitment Initiative (MRI). The second component is ASH-AMFDP a partnership between the ASH and the Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Program (AMFDP) of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The goal of the partnership is to increase the number of underrepresented minority scholars from the field of hematology with academic and research appointments. The MMSAP serves as a stepping stone toward achieving this goal by giving students the opportunity to have hematology research experience.

Am I eligible?
You are eligible if you are a minority medical students from the United States or Canada who is enrolled in a DO, MD, or MD/PhD program. For the purposes of this program, minority is defined as indivduals from racial and ethnic groups that have been shown to be underrepresented in health-related sciences in the United States and Canada, including American Indians or Alaska Natives, African Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, Native Hawaiians or other Pacific Islanders, African Canadians, Innuit and First Nations Peoples. Thus, applicants must self-identify, and participants are drawn from this pool.

Why should I apply?
By participating, you will recieve immediate and long-term benefits, including:
  • A stipened of $5,000: $2,500 at the beginning, and two payments of $1,250 during the middle and at the completion of your research project.
  • An allowance of $2,000 for travel to the ASH annual meeting during the initial award year: $1,000 for attending the annual meeting and $1,000 for a short presentation of your research at a special reception.
  • An allowance of $1,000 for travel to the ASH annual meeting awarded each subsequent year through medical school and residency.
  • Complimentary online subscriptions to Blood, the official journal of ASH, and The Hematologist, ASH's award-winning newsletter, that continue through medical school and residency.
  • The guidance of a research and career-developement mentor.
Applications must be recieved by Thursday March 8, 2013. If you would like to be matched with a research mentor, please contact ASH at awards@hematology.org by January 4, 2013.


Contact ASH at awards@hematology.org or by phone at 202-776-0544.